Encounter Amazing Clitoral And G Spot Formula Female Water Based Lubricant 2 Ounce

MSRP: $11.99


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New Encounter Female Lubricants are a unique line of specially formulated lubricants to meet the needs and desires of the female body. Using paraben free ingredients and non glycerin based formulations, Encounter Female Lubricants offer women a range of personal care products specifically designed to enhance pleasure with comfort and ease.
Per our customers’ request, the entire Encounter Female Lubricant line does not contain Aloe giving women who may have adverse reactions to Aloe an alternative choice to the aloe based lubricants on the market.

Features & Benefits:

Glycerin Free Formulas

  • Encounter Female Lubricants are formulated without Glycerin
  • Paraben Free Preservative System

  • Parabens are found in many preservative ingredients
  • Studies have shown that parabens may have negative health factors
  • Encounter Female Lubricants are formulated with preservative ingredients that do not contain parabens
  • Certified Vegan

  • Encounter Female Lubricants is 100% Vegan
  • No animal byproducts and no animal testing
  • Reviewed, approved and certified through The Vegan Awareness Foundation USA
  • Naturally pH Balanced

  • pH (potential of hydrogen) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution