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Bone Yard Silicone Skwert Set 4 Piece

MSRP: $32.99


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The 4 silicone nozzle is 100% soft touch silicone. The adapters are solid ABS construction with a small thread and large thread fitting for a non-leak fit. The kit also comes with a standard thread shower hose adapter and sanitary storage cap.
Sanitary Storage Cap
Soft 100% Soft Touch Silicone 4 (10cm)
Small Water Bottle Attachment
Large Water Bottle Attachment
Shower Hose Attachment

This product is safe with all lubricants, completely hypoallergenic, non-irritating and compatible with sensitive skin.

Care Instructions:
Wash thoroughly with mild soap and warm water or toy cleaner. Pat dry and allow product to completely air dry. Store separately.